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Dreaming Big | Faith Friday

Up in the sky, at a high altitude, I took a beautiful sky shot of the Boston area. I marveled at the scantiness of the earth and everything in it. Everything was so small! I asked myself, “Is this how God really views the earth?” I realized that indeed, from God’s perspective above, nothing is too big. Ever feel like your dreams and aspirations are too big for people or even God to comprehend? Your dreams might be too big for human minds, but with God, nothing is too big. As he sits up high and looks down, nothing is too big for him. So dream big, your dreams are not too big for him.  In this post, I’ll be daring you to dream big.

Our father the creator, created us. And Imbedded in us is the ability to create. Often, we tend to shy away from dreaming big. We tend to dream and envision ideas within our means. Shy away from being small-minded and start dreaming big. Choose to no longer be mediocre in your aspirations, envision big. And continue to be humble as you execute.

Follow these steps:

  1. Dream big
  2. Start small
  3. Start now

Go live your best life, big and audaciously bold!

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