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Lazy & Lax; Due To Grace | Faith With Emma

There’s so much work to be done in us. Lately, I’ve been quite convicted by the Holy Spirit. Let’s not use grace as an excuse to be lazy. Wake up and align with the spirit and grow. Submit to the painful pruning. Persevere through the spirit and break those age-old cycles, habits, & strongholds. There’s so much at stake. FEED crazily on the word of God. There’s a lot of pruning to be done in us.  Bitterness, unforgiveness, self-will, desires of the flesh, etc.  Again, FEED crazily on the word of God. 

Awake from your laziness. Don’t just pray to God & the Holy Spirit to “take something away from you”. Whatever struggle or shortcomings you have, align with the Holy Spirit and do the work to make your deliverance or breakthrough a reality. You’re actually going to have to put in the work.

Here are a few things you can do:

First & Foremost, submit to God daily. Secondly, you must have a mindset of resisting the devil. James 4:7 tells us to “submit to God, resist the devil, and he will flee”. This is the work you need to do. Here are a couple practical examples of submitting to God and resisting the devil.

Examples of submitting to God includes feeding on the word crazily & praying the word. Pray is very vital after the Word. Try to shy away from making your prayers too emotional. Pray rather in accordance to the will of God by praying his word. You must know the word of God. A prayer not steeped in the word of God doesn’t carry weight. The final example and a crucial of submitting to God is forgoing self-will. Daily, we have to make the decision to die to self and choose God’s will over ours. Self-will will prevent God from moving in your life.

Examples of resisting the devil includes setting boundaries, being intentional with your time, day, and decisions. Have accountability within your Christian circle. It is also important that you join a Bible-believing community with mentors. I hope these practical steps are helpful. I pray the Holy Spirit strengthens and enables you. Awake from your slumber and decide to no longer use grace as an excuse to be lazy and lax!

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